Archies Seabreeze - Full Liquor Bar
Bars & Restaurants
Contact Name: Patty or Mike
Phone: 772-461-3352
Website: http://www.archiesseabreeze.com
Email: info@archiesseabreeze.com
Average Entree: $4.00 - $12.00
In 1947, Archie\'s was established as a military shack that served beer to soldiers stationed on South Beach.In 1994, Patty McGee purchased Archie\'s and has invested her life, heart, and soul into making Archie\'s what it is today. . . a \"feel at home\" place where you can put your feet up, relax and enjoy an Atlantic breeze, Live Entertainment, a fresh delicious meal and a refreshing beverage.
We invite you in. . . to enjoy. . . \"The Jewel of the Treasure Coast\" - Archie\'s!
Wine Bar Entertainment Handicap Accessible Kid Friendlye Lunch Dinner Late Night Outdoor Business Full BarHolidays
New Year's Day St. Valentine's Day St. Patrick's Day Easter Sunday Cinco de Mayo Mother's Day Memorial Day Father's Day Independence Day Labor Day Veteran's Day New Year's EveService Levels
Casual Dining Family Dining Drinking Establishment OnlyRick's Review
A fine well established real biker bar in the north end of South Florida. A Great place to stop and enjoy a drink or a meal outdoors and close to the ocean.